Through the Years – The 70’s
1975 – The Official Opening
The centre was officially opened in this year, although records of the details as to specifically how that occurred are scant or non-existent. The house was beginning its career as a Community Learning Centre. Braybrook Rejoice!
During school hours boys were able to elect to do activities at the house, which were mostly cooking lessons. Groups of boys were able to cook lunch for their form mates and teachers and invite them all down to the house for lunch.
A ‘Youth Outreach Worker’ and a worker from the Commonwealth Employment Service established offices and the first Adult Literacy program was established.
‘After school Wednesday programs’ became popular with Totty Tech students and teachers spending a couple of hours doing art, craft, and listening to records or tapes and talking.
One teacher and a few students usually cooked a meal, for around 16 people (of which 5 or 6 were staff) and everyone had tea at the house. It is said that after dinner, cards were played and the house closed around 10.00 pm.
Throughout the years 1977 to 1979, activities offered to the local community and students continued to expand. The main development was the remedial assistance for students. Local teachers and volunteer tutors assisted with reading, writing and maths skills two evenings a week.
All groups were encouraged to participate in projects such as gardening, a community newspaper, a toddler’s playgroup and to exchange learning skills.
A video recording called ‘One Week at Duke Street’ was produced.