Welcome to Duke Street Community House Occasional Child Care
hope that your children will enjoy their time in our centre. We run a full program including indoor and outdoor play, games, music, stories and craft activities. Children will be exposed to group situations and make new friends. The philosophy of Duke St Community House is one of inclusion and equal access to all participants and we welcome suggestions and ideas that can help us serve our community in the best way.
uke Street Community House provides an occasional child care centre to enable parents/carers to take a break and let their children play and socialise with other children.
Some of the activities provided are:
- Playdough, waterplay and sandplay,
- fingerpainting, riceplay.
- Cooking, music and story time.
- Dancing, musical instruments
- Trainset, puzzles, drawing books, painting, pasting
- Board games, Leggo, Play home corner, tea-party, picnics.
- Dress-ups, Doctor, Hairdressing.
- Building blocks, bikes, prams, balls.
- Cubbyhouse, sandpit, outdoor playground. Obstacle courses, basketball.
Term 4
Hours of Operation
Tuesday and Thursday 9.30 a.m. – 12.00 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.
Wednesdays 9.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
Starting 5th October for nine weeks.
Fees: $10.00 per session.
Discounts for term bookings, for two or more children from the same family and for parents attending a class at Duke Street during the childcare session.
General Information
You need to bring along the following items:
- A bag, clearly labelled with the child’s name containing:
- A change of clothes.
- A ‘sun’ hat
- A snack and a drink
- Nappies where applicable (at least two) and baby wipes. Children in the process of toilet training must also have extra changes of underwear and lower clothing.
We prefer that you do not allow your child to bring toys from home as they may get lost broken or cause a fight with other children. There is a range of toys and activities available at the centre.
Sick children should not attend the childcare centre until they are fully recovered. Children with infectious diseases will not be allowed to return until cleared by a Medical Practitioner. Full details of this procedure are available at the Community House.
Delivery and Collection procedures are clearly defined. Children are signed in on arrival. No other person can collect your child unless special arrangements have been made. (In an emergency where it is necessary for someone else to collect the child, a phone call must be made giving full details.)
Children must be collected on time.
Childcare Regulations
Duke Street Community House is licenced with the Dept. of Human Services. The childcare centre is operated by two qualified staff members, assisted at times by volunteers. Parents/Guardians are invited to join the Duke Street Assosication and be eligible to be voted on to the Committee of Management.
Duke Street Community House follows the regulations covering childcare in Victoria as set out in the Childrens Services Act 1996 and Childrens Services Regulations 1998.
Our behaviour management policy ensures that management is consistent and there are clear practical guidelines for all staff. The rights of Children, Staff, Management and Parents are respected at all times . The full text of the Behaviour Policy is included in the Childcare Information Booklet given to all parents.
In addition to the childcare program, a Playgroup operates on Wednesday afternoons – for details click on Playgroup.