Fun stuff

Just in case you thought we are a serious mob of people,
we have designed this space just to have fun…

On this page we will include a range of fun things we have planned as well as links to Internet sites
that we think you will enjoy. We have also included this page for those people who have run out of
ideas for what to do on the internet

Australian Football League (AFL)
For all you AFL aficionados this is the site for you. Indulge in all your football fantasies! It includes:games coverage, match focus, clubs and players, fun and games activities and if you get the urge you can contact the AFL directly.
This is one of the best sites on the net! It includes a vast array of things that you can do from watching clips of the show to exploring a range of personal, social and spiritual issues. This is a terrific site to explore what the internet is capable of. Don’t miss this site.
Internet Movie Database
If you are a movie buff this is the site for you. It includes an exhaustive database that profiles more than 120,000 movies. Each entry has production credits, reviews, and cast and crew details.
All Music Guide
This site is for all you music buffs out there in cyberland. It provides biographies and brief discographies for rock, country, folk, jazz, and rap groups and artists. Includes a music glossary. This site adds a whole other dimension to your music interests.
This is a great interactive site where you can see lots of moving bits and pieces. It includes: games, downloads, films and a whole range of other interactive activities designed to entertain and dazzle you.
Audio on Demand
Is listening to radio on the net silly? Not at all. The internet allows you to tune into radio stations from all over the world. You are not restricted by local radio frequencies as you are with traditional radio. You may need to download (get it from the internet) some programs that you will need to install on your computer to help you listen to the radio on your computer.
Australian Museums and Galleries Online (AMOL)
AMOL is a comprehensive Internet site designed to help Australian museums and galleries make information about their collections available to a world-wide audience. It is also the principal gateway to Australian museums for professionals and volunteers working in the museums sector, community users and researchers
If you care about the environment you might like to see the work that Greenpeace does. This site is packed with useful information like news, publications, facts and ways to get involved. A Greenpeace site called Paradise Forest it is an extraordinarily beautiful site to look at. Visit and be amazed!
Web Designers: Best Sites
If you are interested in seeing some of the best designed web pages on the net, this is the site for you. It includes a site of the day as well as archives of links to previous sites of the day. These pages are glorious visual treats.