Through the Years – The 80’s continued
The Tottenham Technical School Council relinquished the use of the house. The City of Sunshine then handed full control of the community house over to the newly formed Management Committee who set about establishing the Centre as a Community House for the Residents of Braybrook and Sunshine. Duke Street Community House Incorporated Association was born!
A young woman who was to have a major impact on the house and its programs was employed in July 1989. Over the next 14 years Toula Karayannis provided the drive and innovation that was to take Duke Street Community House from a little known western suburbs neighbourhood house to statewide, then international educational / Information Technology platforms. The house participated in many local information technology initiatives that culminated in being asked to make a presentation at the Global Bangerman Challenge, held in Stockholm, Sweden in 1999.
Toula participated in local, regional and statewide forums and networks to seek provision of better resources for those using Duke Street’s facilities and also for neighbourhood, community and learning centres across the western region